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  The Junior Golf for Belgium -
a new organisation exclusively dedicated to young golfers

In Belgium, golf is still viewed as an elitist sport that is not easily acessible to young people. This is due to a lack of playing and learning facilities that welcome them, as well as the costs of club membership and tuition. It is evident that this hampers a healthy growth of the sport. It also presents a missed opportunity for the youngsters themselves, since golf could help them to develop a range of life values and personal skills that will help them later in life.

The Federation and regional golf associations have different, but complementary approaches to promote the golf sport, in particular amongst young children.

We think there are strong arguments for an organisation like the Junior Golf Foundation Belgium to take the lead of golf promotion amongst children. We have a single priority and focus: introduce more children to the game and sustain their long term participation in the sport.

The primary reason we exist is to fulfil the central role of developing and supporting schemes and initiatives that help achieve that objective. Such a centralised approach appears to us as a more efficient way to develop the sport than a situation where initiatives are left to individuals.

We intend to focus our efforts, as a matter of priority, on the development of a school program, in cooperation with clubs, golf professionals and organisations that share our vision.



  The Junior Golf for Belgium is exclusively dedicated to young golfers and has as its mission:

To offer her competencies in the area of junior golf training and coaching, and other resources, to individuals and organisations that are dedicated to introducing the game of golf, as well as its inherently positive values, to youngsters of all backgrounds, to develop their interest and to sustain their lasting participation in the sport.

Focus of activities

To achieve its mission, the Junior Golf Foundation will focus its activities on two key areas:

I. Organising recources:
in the form of funding, information, communication, advice, volunteers, training and coaching, facilities or equipment, to support existing and new initiatives in the area of junior golf

II. Enhancing communication:
increase the awareness of and interest in junior golf by developing a specific website that offers a central source of information and common communication vehicle for everybody interested in junior golf in Belgium

Funding of these activities will be sourced by income from memberships, sponsorships, the organisation of golf tournaments and other golf events.

© Junior Golf Belgium 2017 • Webmaster Ulli Bromberg